Saturday, February 22, 2020

In the Apology, Socrates claims that the unexamined life is not worth Essay

In the Apology, Socrates claims that the unexamined life is not worth living (38a) - Essay Example Hence there is the dire need for an individual to work for the goal of self-realization. The claim of Socrates that â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living† refers to the spiritual life of an individual. The real achievement and advancement towards the goal of life is possible only through self-realization. Instead of chasing the external world for aggrandizement of material possessions, an individual has to commence the journey of the inner world to understand and experience of the true meaning of life. Socrates argues that goodness is associated with wisdom and in the pursuit of that supreme wisdom an individual can enjoy life and be happy in the real sense of the term. If an individual ceases to question himself, he will act unreasonably, without applying the power of discrimination, he will not be able to distinguish between good and bad actions. Without the spiritual values, the life of humankind is no better than animals. A good life is twice-blessed. The one who is experiencing happiness in life and those around him, both become happy. The final option for an individual is to pursue knowledge of the self by application of principles of wisdom. Socrates articulates if he were to abandon the examined life, without wisdom and self-knowledge, he would be accepting the option of death. So, the battle royal has been going on for Ages, and it has not been possible for the humankind to find a permanent solution for problems related to one’s external world and the inner world. Socrates is not a conservative philosopher, or a philosopher with reservations. He attaches importance to life only if it is applied for the purpose of self-realization. All other applications to life are transient in nature and as such they are without real substance. If an individual attaches more importance to secular life in preference to spiritual pursuits, he

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SMAILL GROUP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

SMAILL GROUP - Essay Example I knew all of the male group colleagues from prior interaction, and they were all capable of getting work done under some close supervision. The first person, from interaction in and out of class, I presumed him to be organized, hardworking, and brilliant could perform quality work. The second male colleague made the impression of someone who moves with the crowd, in that I knew if I could get the cooperation of the other members, he would also be inclined to contribute. While, among the female colleagues, two of them were already my friends and seeing them on my group was a relief. From our interaction, the level of commitment they each put in their personal work and class work assured me of support in any task we were to be assigned. However, the third female colleague, I had never interacted with, but from observing her and the way she handled herself, made me think she would pose a challenge in submitting any task assigned her to research. Group assignments meant that we were to have meetings for discussions, individual research on topics, compilation by members, revisions and presentations for the class on the findings. This implies that we had to spend quality time in the library doing research and discussing. In the course of our study, our group became among the highly rated in the class in performing and coordination tasks. This was because there was cohesion and mutual understanding of the group objectives among members in doing group tasks, thus, we were able to achieve high marks due to the quality of the work we presented in class, and majority of our lecturers acknowledged the quality of work we completed. Socially, we created a bond that I never thought we could achieve when the group was first created, this level of interaction made our group to be respected and relied on by our classmates on tasks. Over the course of the academic year,