Thursday, May 14, 2020

Critique Of My Ipc Class - 954 Words

IV. Critique the Theory In my IPC class we discussed five criteria for evaluating theories and those are: scope, testability, parsimony, utility, and heuristic value. Scope refers to how much does the theory describe and explain. The theory describes and explains its rules-based system fairly clearly, although I feel that the rules are a little vague and should be more in depth to have a better understanding for the readers. On the other hand, it explains the main idea of the theory extremely well, very easy to relate to and understand. Testability asks is it testable. This theory is definitely testable, I found numerous studies and experiments examining this theory and the studies were very accurate and brought up valid points. You can see that being informed prior to the study about this theory dramatically changes the results of these experiments compared to participants that haven’t even heard of it and know nothing about it at all. Parsimony is asking is it approp riately simple to understand, describing, explaining, and predicting future events. The best theories are appropriately simple and therefore are more well known and widely used. CPM theory was very simple to understand especially as a freshman in college it really appealed to me because it is so evident in my life right now. The explanation on the theory was very simple to perceive, and the theory directly gave all of the details in ten to twelve easy to understandShow MoreRelatedRe Thinking Queer Bodies Through Law1412 Words   |  6 Pagesqueer subject. The colonial administration created the category of the queer subject as a result of governance, i.e. through the adoption of Indian Penal Code (‘IPC’) in 1860. Section 377 of the IPC criminalized sexual offense against the order of nature (non-procreative sex). The paper historically draws out Section 377 of the IPC. Through a close reading of the judgment the paper focuses on analysing the limits that the law p oses to a discussion of sexuality. The paper, while recognising theRead MoreEssay on Digital Media and Society5371 Words   |  22 PagesFinal exam study Digital Media and Society Week 1 What this class is about†¦ * Humans exchanging meaning * Through messages, by innovating using devices originally intended for corporate and government data management... computers * The debates about emerging media * How these debates are important to you profession development * You are a†¦ knowledge worker Field labels * New communication technology * New media * Digital media Article: how is work changingRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesmigration numbers is a challenging task. Records of long-distance migration are much more readily available than of short-distance and domestic migrations. But even many long-distance moves—such as those by ship passengers not traveling in third class or steerage—were not categorized as migration. Others were not recorded at all. In some cases, authorities did not have the interest or capacity to keep semiaccurate records; in others, migrants purpose- WORLD MIGRATION IN THE LONG TWENTIETH

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